Got the remastered for Christmas and got to relive the glory days years later with the first game. It would take me a while to play Brotherhood.

My playstation got corrupted while playing this game... The memory is kind of blurry but I was able to fix it!

Probably my favorite since the Bad Company ones. Really wish I would've gotten this platinum I did enjoy playing this.

Maybe the best reboot/soft sequel game ever?

Nothing better than killing some nazis

Solid second entry. Bigger and more enjoy than the first! I just love how many people you kill in this game it’s insane 😂

In retrospect this is extremely forgettable and comes off as a cash grab. But I was so into TWD around this time I wanted to play everything.

Underrated Lego game, love the battle levels. I wish they either waited to do the whole series or had made a fourth game!

This was it. The first Lego game that I was a sellout of the company. The rushed it without even giving us the full game and promised Battle of the Five Armies as DLC which never came. What a joke of a game.

Is this the last great CoD game 🤔 I think so but I’m also officially old now for saying that. Zombies RULED

Lol. What was this fever dream of a game.