Forgettable racing game, another east platinum… It will get worse than this though.

I’m a sucker for Tron. Would love to replay this game probably won’t be as good as I remember.

Jacob low key got me this platinum… I don’t know why 😂

Jacob was so cruel during the final moments of this platinum. I was grinding a kill trophy that was taking FOREVER and Jacob pulled up a YouTube sound of the trophy and played. I got so excited just to hear Jacob behind me laughing his ass off. It took me about another 30mins and I made Jacob finish it 😂

Thank god this Lego game wasn’t glitched.

Fever dream of a video game, clearly didn’t have a lasting impact though since I never returned to it.

Jacob “technically” platted this game in one sitting, buttttttt I got two trophies about four months prior 😂

Practically a cinematic masterpiece. Plus a sex game.

Favorite spin off game, love that they introduced Kartos having a brother.

I love and adore this game so much. The passion and beauty it brings I feel like has been lost a little bit. Also they had a Muppets dlc… WHAT

The platinum picture is a penis. That is all.

I played it by each episode then they came out with the “full game” with a platinum trophy… which was just a picture of a platinum trophy, how original. Also for everyone who wanted a Back to the Future Part 4… this is it and man is it crazy 😂

The end of an era. Iron by Woodkid was so fucking good. I still listen to him to this day, can’t say the same about this video game. I own the remastered and maybe I’ll play it one day.