6 Reviews liked by Mystyc_Cheez

really nice of sonic team to throw in a game with this album, too bad the game isn't very good

blockland is like junk food. it gives you heart failure but by god is it addicting.

Ok is it bad that I think this is great? Like it has a great graphic style, nice music, and satisfying gameplay even if trial and error is somewhat annoying in this game

I played this with 3 other people where in PVP the other team spammed Maziodyne and we spammed full heals where the fight never fucking ended I love this game more than my wife good night

I've never met someone else who has played this let alone heard of it. It came in a 4-pack with Sim Theme Park, SimCity 2000, and something else I never played. Sim Theme Park is another hidden gem, but I never figured out SimCity 2000 at the time lol.

I am convinced this is still the best golf game ever made. It's a golfer's golf game, there's real love and care put into the design on the creating-a-course side and the playing-golf side. I actually learned about course design and golf strategy through playing this. It's the only ROM game I've bothered to keep cracking on each new computer. It's a bummer that so few others have played it, but It'll always feel like "my" game because of that.