Dishonored 2012

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 25, 2021

Platforms Played


A real fun time if you can break the shackles of your mind that force you to reset if you get detected. I did find it odd that they give you so many tools to kill and the difficulty rarely goes up to a point that incentivizes pure stealth yet the devs still seem to want you to play that way. I had a very fun time just trying to speed through levels with blink and switch between stealth and action depending on the room I was in and I still ended up getting a good ending so I was quite happy. The story was fine. I cared more about emily than I care about most video game children which is admittedly not a very high bar but it was enough to keep me motivated. I wish there were a few more levels resembling the boyle party mission that give you more complex objectives like a thief or hitman game but I still had plenty of fun traversing the levels to perform the assassinations. I like that they didn't go with a super realistic artstyle and it holds up pretty well. Also the ending segment was pretty anticlimactic.