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Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

June 22, 2022

First played

June 12, 2022

Platforms Played


With this, I have finally completed every (accessible) God of War game to date. I still have my replay of 2018 coming, but I can now finally say I've finished the series.

I don't really have anything remarkable to say about these older titles. They are just simply pretty good. I didnt love them, I certainly had my problems with them. But in the end I always had a (mostly) good time with them. I think God of War III incapsulates my feelings on the series pretty well. It has some of the most badass moments, I think everyone can agree the boss fights are awesome and the game does a great job of showing spectacle with the setpeices. The combat is fun and all the weapons and magic feel good to use. The story isnt incredible but its good enough, perhaps a bit weaker than God of War II. But I dont think that really matters, after so many games of getting pulled around by the gods, ending the trilogy by slaying so many of them makes this a really fitting ending, honestly Im not sure if they could of done it better.

I do however, have some complaints. Small things first. The graphics in this remaster are really good. Game looks great. Ascension should of gone this route instead of whatever mess that game looked like. But they didnt bother to remaster any of the cutscenes, they still very much look like a PS3 game which isnt a big deal but can be jarring. Also the "parkour" feels less concise in this one. When doing the wall climbing Kratos seemed to get stuck on every bit of geometry he could, which was particularly annoying during timed sections. The grappling which was awesome in the other games also seemed to just feel less concise and the momentum needed for some jumps seemed to just not be there at all. Again, small things but they were the cause of almost all of my deaths.

My main issue with this game was, as good and bombastic the boss fights are, everything between them was pretty uninteresting. There were some cool locations and good ideas, but especially for the first half everything just felt like a bit of a retread of things that have already happened in previous games. I will say the boss fights alone make this the strongest of the older games by a small margin, but the rest of the game seemed just too familiar and did little to impress

In the end though, it does have an HD remastered sex minigame so its the best one.

Trophy Completion - 82% (33/36)
Time Played - deleted the game before I could check oop
Nancymeter - 83/100
Game Completion #69 of 2022
June Completion #4