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Lets start with the positives. Incredibly vast open world which has some of the best exploration -> reward gameplay loops I've seen from the genre. The lore is also pretty interesting to me and makes me want to keep playing along. The fighting and team comp gameplay is pretty nice too and makes you think on your feet and creates multiple options (it's pretty dissapointing at the start but once you learn how it all works I like it alot). The game looks great aesthetically and the character designs are all pretty unique and gives me some reason to pull for characters (not mentioning the actual characters themselves yet).

As for the downsides, I think this game is very grindy which is off putting in alot of ways and makes alot of the fun of the game locked behind logging into the game every day for occasional bursts of fun since you'll spend 95% of the time doing the same domains and same boss fights using the same team comps. I don't mind the pulling system too much and I was able to pull for the characters I wanted (being f2p even) but grinding for slightly better artefacts and weapons is so unrewarding especially since there's no pity involved whatsoever on artefacts. Now for my biggest gripe with the whole game, the god awful boring dialogue which takes decades to get through. My god, trying to get through the Liyue Archon questline when I have to hear about Zhongli talk about rocks for 3 straight hours is just not it, I play through those quests for the interesting lore but I get lectures on sedimentary rocks instead and the stock market. Going on from that the final complaint I have is with the character writing which is pretty atrocious in a lot of cases especially with the female cast which all seem to be carbon copies of each other who all have a crush on the mc, how predictable.

Anyway this game aint bad, but has some significant issues mostly due to being a Gacha game targeting Whales as their biggest profit earners