Lets start with the positives. Incredibly vast open world which has some of the best exploration -> reward gameplay loops I've seen from the genre. The lore is also pretty interesting to me and makes me want to keep playing along. The fighting and team comp gameplay is pretty nice too and makes you think on your feet and creates multiple options (it's pretty dissapointing at the start but once you learn how it all works I like it alot). The game looks great aesthetically and the character designs are all pretty unique and gives me some reason to pull for characters (not mentioning the actual characters themselves yet).

As for the downsides, I think this game is very grindy which is off putting in alot of ways and makes alot of the fun of the game locked behind logging into the game every day for occasional bursts of fun since you'll spend 95% of the time doing the same domains and same boss fights using the same team comps. I don't mind the pulling system too much and I was able to pull for the characters I wanted (being f2p even) but grinding for slightly better artefacts and weapons is so unrewarding especially since there's no pity involved whatsoever on artefacts. Now for my biggest gripe with the whole game, the god awful boring dialogue which takes decades to get through. My god, trying to get through the Liyue Archon questline when I have to hear about Zhongli talk about rocks for 3 straight hours is just not it, I play through those quests for the interesting lore but I get lectures on sedimentary rocks instead and the stock market. Going on from that the final complaint I have is with the character writing which is pretty atrocious in a lot of cases especially with the female cast which all seem to be carbon copies of each other who all have a crush on the mc, how predictable.

Anyway this game aint bad, but has some significant issues mostly due to being a Gacha game targeting Whales as their biggest profit earners

I played this when I was like 13 don't judge please

This isn't even worth playing even for the novelty of it being iconic or influential for its time

This game is actually fairly playable unlike alot of other games from this era but there's still some grievances I have. The slippiness of Mario is always something that kind of bugged me but it is especially noticeable here for me. The level design is effective I will say but it's a very basic platforming experience in the end with a lot of limitations

You can pretend that this game is fun in the modern era but it's just not, I spend 75% of the time looking at a guide which to me is just far too much. I should really just try to finish it since I'm so close to the end but there's so many better ways to spend my time

Played this game competitively for around 4 years and I can say with confidence that this game is good but nothing special.
Its 3 main complaints are that it was crazy unbalanced on launch with Bowser Jr, Waluigi and Peach being completely busted, the 2nd being it had a lackluster story mode and the 3rd being it was a 'finish it later game'. There are elements of truth to all those statements and I understand these complaints but there is also some dishonesty to these statements aswell. Firstly, the blatant balance issues on launch were improved upon within a few months and balance changes were shipped out for another year (for a relatively niche multiplayer game btw) leaving the game in a relatively balanced state that we see today (there are still some complaints of course but that is the natural course any competitive game takes when enough time has passed). As for the 2nd complaint, I would mostly agree, its single player is pretty lazy but I never really saw it as the main appeal of the game which is in its core gameplay. As for complaint 3 there were definitely alot of features that should have been in the game day 1 but as for adding new characters each month, I don't see how that is a 'finish it later' decision as the roster was already stacked on day 1 and it takes time to introduce new characters with their own unique gimmicks.
As for my own gripes with the game: the matchmaking is outdated and doesn't work with such a small playerbase, Option Select was never patched, some characters are absolutely useless like Kamek and Rosa, the music is infectiously annoying and alot of customisation options are locked behind boring multiplayer modes which noone plays.
7/10 is honestly pretty generous given all of that but I value the core tennis gameplay that much

Easily the most comprehensive strategy game of all time, even after 2000 hours I'm still no expert at this game and there is still so many countries to play, challenges to attempt, achievements to unlock. This game has some awful monetisation methods with its unending pipeline of dlcs which in alot of cases contain crucial mechanics that should be part of the base game, however I understand that they need to keep people coming back and it is understandable in a way to have some incentive to put so much of their workforce behind improving the game. That being said it is inexcusable how some basic features are locked behind a paywall even after spending £35 on the game already.
In terms of mechanics the diplomacy, wars and religion are fleshed out but easy enough to understand. Trade is a bit of a mixed bag being very confusing but being very complex and is very satisfying to min-max. Colonisation is a bit messy but works fine enough and the navy mechanics underwhelming as expected from a Paradox game. Managing your countries economy is fun and the split between playing tall and playing wide can lead to entirely different playstyles which adds even more replayability to the game.
Overall, the game is great and has the most noticeable natural skill progression in any game I've ever played but it has 1 too many issues for me to award it a perfect score

The quality of cases 3 and 5 almost made me forget the slog of cases 1 and 2. As for case 4 it was alright, it would fall under 3rd case syndrome but this game had a unique setting for its 2nd case which had no courtroom aspects whatsoever and sought out to introduce the deduction mechanic. To be honest I think this slowed the start of the game down alot and case 2 is probably one of my least favourites in the whole series, especially after case 1 which is a long and arduous journey to get through.
Once those first 10-15 hours of setup finally finish we're introduced to the setting of the game which I really enjoyed being from the UK myself. And then we get perhaps the best 3rd case in the series which completely blew me away. It introduces the jury mechnic which I was quite fond of and I think trial sections are at their best in the series in this game with alot of different mechanics working together in tandem.
As for the characters, Herlock was a great addition and he really grew on me towards the end, Ryunosuke just kind of seems like a less interesting Phoenix and is perhaps the most basic MC we have seen in the series, Wilson and Susato are both good companions I feel. There's alot of great side characters in this game I think, particularly the likes of Mcgilded and Ash Greydon. The OST was fine but felt more like a Layton clone than an Ace Attorney soundtrack at times.
Finally, I should say that the game felt like it wrapped up its main story pretty well but there's no denying that it left many questions unanswered in the end and it seems blatantly obvious that they had to cut content and make a 2nd game because they couldn't fit all their ideas into one game.

This took the challenge of this game to its limits and I love it for it. The soundtrack is great as expected, the level design is arguably better than the base game and the story is pretty damn good too

I generally dislike platformers but this was very different. Madeline felt incredibly good to control and it felt like everything I was doing was within my own control. The story was great and was a great subversion of previous tropes about mental health. The art and sound were beautifully crafted and honestly I find it hard to find any problems with the games except for a few more tedious mechanics I had to interact with. I would recommend this to anyone even people who don't enjoy platformers like myself

Nice charming game with a unique premise

The message was honourable and the artstyle was cool. The gameplay was just kind of slow and monotonus though. There was a few janky things about the gameplay I noticed but it didn't affect anything too much. I do think the game was a good length, any longer and I might have stopped playing.

Not really anything great added but it's still good fun to play with friends, wishing they do more with career mode next year but let's be real that's never happening