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Fun and somewhat mindless FPS-roguelike with borderlands-style looter aspect (but more overboard).

Artstyle and graphics is, by all means, something that clicks with you or not (or rather something you can or can't put up with).

A giant arsenal with a lot of standout weapons, and just as many that don't, marred by the random modifiers which can absolutely make-or-break a weapon, in good ways making a "low-tier" or "boring weapon" insanely fun, but also "high-tier" weapons next to useless or garbage.

The meta-progression is done in a super interesting way, in the form of three minigames styled after retro-games (Mario, Pokémon, Galaga), but gets pretty grindy.

The third major chapter of the game is extremely long compared to the first two, and kind of drags on the end of the game, not helped by the semi-procedually generated maps blending together, even less by returning to the same "hub-level" repopulated with enemies, and even worse by the final boss being extremely easy (for better and worse).