A genuinely fun blend between sidescrolling-metroidvania, action-turn-based gameplay with Mario RPG-esque mechanics and every character featuring their own moveset with special and super attacks akin to a Fighting Game.

Sadly, the game unfinished with a lot of its promised features and additional characters missing, a lot of remnants of unfinished mechanics and quests, as well as a ton of questionable design choices. In short, the original developer team got completely screwed over and fired by the lead-dev, before the studio and the rights to the game were sold to 505 Games, who have no intention of adding the missing content.

The writing is questionable, with a lot of tonal whiplash between goofy and cheesy dialogue, as well as emotional moments the game tries to play straight, only for the characters to move on immediately after (The protagonist overcomes her father's death at the beginning in a few seconds tops).

The platforming and combat is really fun, but the amount of backtracking you have to do for the side quest, as the only fast travel options are between very few specific points in the map, makes it a slog towards the end. An entire character can be rendered unobtainable because the quest monsters you need to kill is highly susceptible to a glitch which makes them disappear off the map, but still being marked as "unfinished" and preventing you from obtaining the character in question.

If you're still interested in the game in spite of its many flaws, I personally recommend grabbing it during a sale or grabbing a key if you'd rather not support the lead-developer who's responsible for the game's current state as is.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2024
