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Honestly, this game clearly has a lot of heart and soul put into it. So it genuinely pains me to give this a low score and to abandon it but I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. To start off positively, the game is just beautiful. Probably one of the best looking games on PS4. I'll also say the voice acting (both Japanese and English) as well as motion action are just phenomenal and they definitely did a wonderful job with what they were given. I will also say, if you want play a game that helps you relax to, this is the perfect game for that. A part about the game that I'm mixed about is definitely the story, it really is a great story but it's quite slow at first and I can understand why some people would dislike the characters but I feel they do get a lot better the further you get into the story and I feel that they work for this game perfectly. Of course, the story has a fantastic message and as always, Kojima somehow predicted the future with this game, and the lovely occasional Kojima cheesiness is also in there. I think what really deters me from wanting to complete this game is the gameplay itself. It is indeed you walking/driving/biking/travelling from Point A to Point B. In my opinion, its so slow and boring and I can't find myself enjoying this game in anyway. Even when there is action, I don't like it whatsoever, it feels so sluggish and messy that I can't even enjoy that. I will say, the stealth in this game is actually really well done! Overall, the game at its heart and soul, especially in story, is fantastic and I completely understand why people love this game, I just couldn't find myself enjoying it whatsoever. I can only find myself recommending this to Kojima fans and/or people that love great stories that have extreme patience. That and I also recommend it to people that want a game they can sit back and relax to. I hope you all enjoyed the read, good day!

(Edit: The online aspect of this game is actually very interesting and refreshing, I genuinely love the idea of helping other players get through the map, I hope we see more games try this.)

This is an incredibly nostalgic game to me that gave me a lot of memories and is actually the reason I met one of my best friends. The game itself is also incredibly well done, or at least was made to be good after 2014. The gunplay is good, the movement is alright, the graphics still hold up to this day in my opinion, the maps are great, the vehicle play is pretty nice, the atmosphere is top notch, it has one of the best arsenals in an FPS game, and it has some of the best customization I've seen, especially for a game that was released in 2013. The DLC is fantastic as well. However, I feel that me playing the game since 2015 and reaching Level 100, I'm finding it harder and harder to go back to because I've maxed out and experienced everything it has to offer. Don't let this deter you from playing it though, it truly is a fantastic game! Oh wait the campaign! I almost forgot about it! It is a glitchy and messy pile of feces mixed with semen. The story is one of the worst things I have ever experienced, the characters are so god damn 1 dimensional and forgettable. I absolutely despised this campaign and would deter anyone from playing it unless you're either a completionist, someone that likes awful games, stupid, hate yourself or wants to get the M249, QBZ-95, P90 and/or MP412 REX. In the end, minus the horrendous campaign, I still give this game a strong recommendation if you're into FPS games.