Fun, fast and frenetic arcade shooter. Controls great and movement is snappy. Just wish it was a bit longer.

A satisfying looter shooter given greater context through a well written and actually quite funny story. Probably the best game in the main series.

A fast and frenetic multiplayer shooter that backs up it's clever gimmick with solid movement and satisfying gunplay. Manages to scratch that Halo style itch while standing on it's own. The only major issue is the small selection of maps and weapons, but given time these issues can hopefully be fixed.

Without question the best Transformers game. A surprisingly strong narrative bolsters a campaign full of variety and crunchy combat. Manages to make transforming useful without making it Overpowered. The multiplayer was fun too. Ending is a bit weak.

Eh. Continues the great world design by virtue of the same map, and the gameplay... well it's Far Cry, come on you know what to expect. The narrative continues to not do anything with the ideas it has, preferring to focus on (flips through script) radioactive super fruit. Gives a little bit of closure to 5's weird ass endings, but otherwise pretty forgettable.

This game had a troubled development and it shows. The hacking system presents lots of new gameplay opportunities, but never really gets a chance to shine. The story has a lot of interesting lore and ideas and chooses to focus on the least interesting parts. Over all it's an average Open World game with a few decent ideas and a fair attempt at deconstructing the idea of vigilante justice.