I mean obviously its amazing but those fucking mini games ruined the vibe, also i kinda liked the more linear experience from the previous game more since exploring didnt really give me any special loot or anythingelse other than maybe a potion or two. I like open world games but perhaps not like this and i hope the third game cuts back on the open world elements a bit. I found myself wanting to finish up a region before moving onto the next but it soon felt more of chore to do so, also since the open world is filled with stuff that didn't really matter i occasionally forgot what the actual mission was or where the story was going resulting in a storyline that speeds up and then stops over and over again.
Oh and i just have to say that the score for this is amazing

Also kinda want a shorter game with just Yuffie, Tifa and Aerith or maybe with the Avalanche og's anyways already waiting for the next game.

It's not bad, it's just fine. The cinematic scenes look absolutely stunning but the rest is meh. The story never really pulled me in nor did the characters. Clive as a protagonist feels very idk like your typical game protagonist, i never connected with or his storylines, i found myself reacting oh this is a really emotional moment and i really dgaf which sucked. I personally found his brother, Dion, Benedikta or even his mother more captivating and interesting than him like yeah i get it you're a good guy.

The Eikon battles are epic and so is the music, those were the big standouts for me, the music is amazing, especially during the final showdown. I found it a bit disappointing that there weren't more female characters and the ones we got only really served as extensions of Clive or got killed off without any further character development happening, and i don't want to hear it's not realistic because transforming into a giant fire ugly troll dragon is?? Anyway, i did like the more mature tone it had but it also felt like less of an ff game because of it, i missed having control over party members and the more silly sides of the franchise. As for the gameplay, it was ok, it wasn't my thing i enjoyed the gameplay of the previous titles much more but then again i mostly played for the story so i guess it doesn't really matter.

In conclusion its a good game but not the best or the worst, it is just fine and that's okay too.

I suck at fighting games but i really enjoy the story and the characters sooo

Played this on my ps4 when it was released and it was a shitshow. Replayed it on my ps5 with the free upgrade a a year later and it was a lot better, still crashed a few times but a lot better than my first playthrough but sadly it was already kinda ruined since i already knew what was gonna happen.

The gameplay is okay, im not a big fan of first person games so i didnt really love it but i do love the world and some of the characters they created. Really wished it was a third person game.