Log Status






Time Played

140h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 11, 2023

Platforms Played


When it launched it was very criticized (I was also in that hate wagon) because of that switch towards an idol girls’ band and all that, but that is only a part of the whole.

Good things:
·POSTGAME, one of the best in any FF entry, a whole lot of things to do but more important than that, they feel engaging, not grindy nor repetitive (as ffxiii or even ffx) or boring.
·Monster fiend / Arena / Monster stories
·Combat System that with the addition of using monsters, dresses and so ends being top.
·Last Mission minigame that last for around 15 hours with a whole new mechanic and expanding a bit everything that has been told.

Ok / Meh things:
·The completion percentage, continuing it in new game + adds a feeling of freedom that some FF don't have.
·The story and character's development is a bit bland

Bad things:
·To see the cover, play the first hour and dropping the game thinking it's gonna be garbage.