370 reviews liked by NeonGod

best roguelike ever, fun gameplay, unique aesthetic, lots of characters to play, and lots of unlocks. peak shaking **** emoji

Even though it's more than 10 years old now, Monument Valley is still very enjoyable to play, and which global tone, artistic direction and music hasn't aged a bit. The game is quite short, but each level stands on its own and they're all very well crafted. That being said, if you quickly accept those forced perspective mechanics, the puzzles will go by pretty fast and the cerebral challenge stays light. It's without saying that the authors took inspiration from FEZ when making this title, but it's way easier and less deep than the game from Polytron.

In any case, Monument Valley stays and excellent puzzle game and it will poke at your cortex just the right amount, while still being pleasing to your eyes and ears.


What’s the difference between delicate indie beauty and the louder aesthetics of the AAA blockbuster? To love a videogame for either is to love the video more than the game.

Monument Valley exists to be admired more than played. It is lovely and hollow, a contraption that says: touch me once, then watch the wonders unfold. It doesn’t even seem to understand the appeal of the isometric, of moving through two dimensions as if three, not just staring at them.

It might make for a beautiful set of posters. It certainly makes for an empty game. Play Crystal Castles instead.

This game is bursting with colorful, inventive geometry that makes for curious puzzle boxes that shift and metamorphose. It’s one of those games that really takes advantage of its platform. Every screen is made to be played in the palm of a player’s hand, with animations that make use of the vertical screen to progressively unfold levels and their puzzles. The puzzles themselves are solid, but don’t require too much brain twisting. It’s on the short side, but that fits, too.

As a newcomer to the metal gear franchise, I really enjoyed the characters and story in this game. Another thing i thoroughly enjoyed was the boss fights in this game, they were all really good. The weakest in my opinion being the two sniperwolf fights. My only problem with this game is that it is severely outdated, the gameplay can be clunky at times and the game doesn't look the best. I understand mgs3 is the fan favourite but I think this game needed a remake over snake eater.

Fallout shelter lacks all the charm of the mainline games and simply acts as a conveyer belt of money going straight to Todd Howard's big pockets. It's very clear right from the start that this game is full of microtransactions which weigh the game down a lot for me. This game is fine for a cheap mobile game that in no way represents its former entries. Honestly if you go into this game with very low expectations you may have a fun time, but like just play fo3.

Muchos se quedaron con lo malo que es el 13 pero este es muy buen juego sólido y con un sistema de combate que no te vuela la cabeza pero esta muy bien

Definitely one of the weaker games in the franchise but an improvement on FF13 and overall enjoyable

What a great game! They took every criticism I had of the first game and fixed it, of course, in exchange for having a bit of a weaker story. I even got the platinum, since I really enjoyed it!

Starting with the part of the game that really got old for me on the first game: Gameplay. I feel like they fixed every aspect of it that turned the first one into a slog. Now you have MUCH more to do other than walking straight in a hallway and fighting over and over again. Since the context of the game changed to a non-linear story, the game gives you a lot of different areas to explore, a lot of side content, even monster to capture and develop! Even the equipment progression and the crystalium system got much better, they became even more simple, but much more impactful and fun.

Battles also feels much better, you don't get stuck in a cutscene every time you switch paradigms anymore and the unique skills/utilities of your monsters add a nice layer of variability. Speaking of which, monsters are a new feature of the game where you collect and add 3 of them to your composition, each with their own characteristics and developments. Very fun addition, since your party for the entire game consists of only Noel and Serah.

Talking about the story, it is not bad, but also not great. Everything makes sense, it has good beats and scenes. Caius and Yeul are good characters with understandable motivations and objectives. These two new characters and Noel feel like the real focus of the game, which is okay, although I really wished the first crew, mainly Snow and Sazh, were more impactful or at least showed-up more. I can't help but feel like the story was somewhere between Serviceable and good. But it does serve its purpose and helps you to stay engaged.

Talking about negatives, the version for the PC is TERRIBLY PORTED. Normally, it crashes all the time and its pretty much impossible to play the game. It's absolutely mandatory to download a fix and add it to the game files. A real shame they did such a poor job at porting such a good game to PC.

Besides that, the biggest annoyance in the game is how it expects you to find the fragments with NO GUIDANCE AT ALL. It's actually impossible to try and complete all the game's content without a lot of guides.

Also, the last effective world of the game is just really boring, it's a platforming level that really wants to keep you waiting while standing still, just boring.

The ending was also kinda disappointing, the final boss and cutscenes are really good, until the last rendered one that hits you with a "TO BE CONTINUED..." after 50 hours and 20 more to get the secret ending... which is disappointing as well.

I really do recommend this game and I expect the third one to be even better and give a great ending to the series, let's see!

Easily the best of the FF13 games. I liked Serah as a protagonist and Noel as a support character. The villain was pretty good and had some good motivation. Some aspects of the game worked pretty well but it's stuck in the FF13 verse so it can't be all that great. Overall it was pretty average. Had it's moments but not all that.