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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 5, 2022

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Library Ownership


UPDATE: they cancelled PvE, lmao fuck Blizzard.

How the mighty have fallen. Everything that was accessible and rewarding about this game has crumbled into dust. Free to play eviscerates any replay value by locking rewards behind a battle pass (that you have to buy EVERY season) and drip feeds currency at the slowest rate imaginable. Played since launch and haven't been able to buy a common skin. New robot push mode is horribly designed, characters are still wildly unbalanced and 5v5 makes games less complex and more "who can get off their ultimate first?" All of the custom modes are infinitely better because they were designed with fun in mind.

Fuck Blizzard, I salivate for the day they finally burn to the ground.