I got about halfway and just didn’t have the energy to finish. It’s such a dialogue heavy game which isn’t bad but it would take hours upon hours to sit there and read it all.

It is also to “stop,start,stop” for me. Every single thing you do causes a cutscene. The gameplay is so insanely fun I just want to play! But everything has long text heavy scenes.

Games like persona are also very text heavy but I think I know the reason they work for me where as this doesn’t.

Persona is structured like “text, social gameplay, text, social gameplay, text, social game play, text, dungeon gameplay”

Cold Steel is just “text,text,text,text,gameplay,text,text,text”

It needs more freedom, because my other issue is that it was so on rails. Because there was a calendar but you could only play on set carved out, scripted days, it felt very forced.

The writing probably makes no sense but something just didn’t work for me which is annoying because I loved the combat and the characters! Even the world!

Reviewed on May 21, 2022


2 years ago

Check out Trails in the Sky if you haven't. Same combat system (though a bit more rudimentary) and same world, but with a far better structure and more interesting writing. It's still super dialogue heavy but has much longer and more frequent stretches of gameplay. I probably wouldn't have been able to bear Cold Steel's structure if I didn't love the series so much before going into it

2 years ago

actually don't check out trails in the sky because it is worse than this game

2 years ago


2 years ago

hahaha torn now! I will have to watch some gameplay videos to make up my mind. Thanks for the suggestions!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

dont worry u can trust me avery is dumb and smells

2 years ago

Ahh right! Guess I'll play then hahaha

2 years ago

Haha... that's our hatty!

2 years ago

fwiw i don't think tits fc is a bad game, just kinda mediocre. if you didn't like cold steel I, i can't really see why you'd like tits fc when it has worse characters, worse music, worse plot, and more incest. just imo!

2 years ago

also the combat has less depth + complexity.

2 years ago

Yeah anything that can be tagged with “more incest” is normally not something I’d want to play 😂😂😂 yeah I definitely wouldn’t want the combat to be less complex as it was my favourite part of TOCS!

2 years ago

yeah as I said in my original reply the combat is a fair bit less complex because it came out 10+ years before CS, still fun though! the other stuff avery is arguing is all opinion based and most people would probably disagree with them, so i'd say to just give it a shot and see where you stand on it. personally I thought the plot + characters were explored a lot deeper and with more tact in sky (and the music goes unbelievably hard). as for the incest they brought up for some reason, it kinda weirded me out too at first but its pretty easy to suspend your disbelief and disconnect yourself a bit since the characters in question arent blood related and dont see each other as siblings. dunno why you'd bash sky for that but not CS, since the latter just has it to fetishize it rather than use it for any real plot purpose.

anyway, I'd say you have a pretty good chance of liking it since you love the characters/combat/world. definitely worth trying if you're interested!

2 years ago

I feel like I’m being pulled between two arguing parents😂😂 I would try it if I could find it cheap enough, I don’t think there are much games I wouldn’t at least try. Apart from like FIFA or something 😂 I really appreciate both your advice on it. You are both very passionate haha