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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 3, 2023

Platforms Played


Omega Boost is a 3D rail shooter akin to Panzer Dragoon, but this time in space and inside a mech. ( Look at who did the game. )

Maybe the game that uses most of the PSX capacity ? I mean it's really beautiful and the vfx are a sight to behold, check for yourself, you'll understand.

You want to feel cool ? Play this game. Fast paced gameplay with the Scan makes it so it's easier to follow targets in the 3D environments and really manage to capture the feeling of a space mech battle while nailing the theatrical aspect of these dogfights.

It's also really difficult, so good luck with this, as upgrades that makes the game easier are awarded with a good rank score.

The soundtrack is really something to hear, quite fitting but not what you would think of by seeing gameplay.

I recommend that you try it even if you don't finish all the levels, just to discover it.

( The last zone is PURE KINO )