Absolute blast to play through. When other shmups are annoying me, this one is always there for me to just destroy shit and collect heaps upon heaps of coins.

It's a great game, my version was fucked and had no music, Kazuya's thunder god fist and wind god fist are pretty much what got me through it.

The last of ZUN's PC-98 collection. Definitely a worthwhile conclusion, goes back to Makai from the first game. Excellent music, that should come as no surprise. It's tougher than LLS, which is good. The final boss is great, and the extra is absolutely fantastic.

In this thrilling instalment of Punchman vs Kickman, El Baldo sets up another spicy tournament so he can lure out Shrek and beat the shit out of him to take his power to I dunno I didn't read the manual. DORYA man is absent this time but in his place we have DORYA man's son who's basically just DORYA man but with stupid hair. King's still as bullshit as always and can do one grab and take about 70% of your health off in one go and I still can't defend against low attacks. This is also the last time Paul isn't a laughing stock, except he's still kind of a laughing stock because he just leaves halfway through the fight. Game's pretty good, it finally controls less like shit and you can't spend the entire fight running away like in Tekken 1 because there were no boundaries. Spamming Jin's funny spin kick got me through most of it.
Oh also Heihachi's theme is absolutely amazing and I wish it'd get a remix in Tekken 7.