A gorgeous, free flowing, 2 hour experience as you bounce across jelly-like platforms through a range of minimalist 2D worlds. TFiJ is a wonderful platformer with exceptional polish and a magnificent soundtrack that can keep you in a zenlike flow from beginning to end.

A genuine hidden gem.

A quality turn based, party rpg. Its got a real tabletop feel to it and a sense of adventure and fun to play solo or co-op (though who designs a co-op game with an odd number party size!?!?).

Its best feature by far is the tactile and grokable RNG system that makes it easy to understand how your character's skills affect attacks/encounters - but also great interplay with effects and ailments thst allow for great depth without losing clarity.

Very easy to get into, very hard to put down

Beautiful, definitely play it with sound. Lovely designs in the levels and the characters that make a charming world, not overly difficult but still involves some thought. One of the better mobile experiences.

For what it is, it's excellent. A footballer's career but where the game space is brilliantly reduced to a handful of individual kicks each game, and the occasional decision between matches. Grow your fame, your skills, your sponsorships - and then back it up on the pitch and take your chances.

Quality time killer

What a superb game. Deckbuilding is a fantastic mechanic that is satisfying at the worst of times, and in a game with the exceptional design and execution of StS it is almost perfection.

Excellent strategy, great gameplay, quality art design and endless replayability. Play it.

My first thought when playing Factorio was "How has nobody done this before?". The idea instantly made perfect sense, of course this would be a great game.

There's so much depth, creativity and planning involved in the construction of your Rube Goldberg-esque factory and immense satisfaction in watching your creation tick away.

There's always something to think about in Factorio and always something to do. The factory must grow.

Clearly I am bad at twin stick shooters, but Enter the Gungeon has an inescapably entertaining theme. The gameplay is solid, the bullet hell controls are tight and the combat is exciting - but Gungeon lives in its incredible theming. The guns are guns, the enemies are bullets, the guns fire bullets, those bullets are sometimes guns. It's wacky and over the top in an utterly brilliant way, this game for me has killed the Binding of Isaac.

I haven't completed Gungeon and likely never will, but I've enjoyed it every time I've played

A wonderful Sokoban-puzzle adventure about rolling logs to build bridges and move a cute monster around a museum archipelago. The art and music for A Monster's Expedition are top notch and the game is peaceful and relaxing throughout. Puzzles are engaging, but not overwhelmingly difficult. As you move from island to island, multiple paths will open up. Stuck on a puzzle? Take a break and head in a different direction to keep the game flowing.

A superb and highly polished puzzle adventure that all sokoban fans should try out

Not usually a fan of bullet hells or arcade titles, and yet I am in love with this arcade style bullet hell.. Nova Drift is an exciting escalation of power with (frequently) short runs filled with dozens of powerful, synergising upgrades turning your meek starting ship into a one vessel army - or two vessel army, should you choose an upgrade to gain an autonomous ally.

One of the greatest parts of permadeath games is the ability to let the player create "game breaking" combinations of powerul abilities, and a pure version of that joy is what Nova Drift offers. Pick from a variety of weapon types, pick from a variety of hulls and then trial and error your way through an enormous range of upgrades as you fight off hoards of enemy ships.

Such a lot of fun packed into a small, tight experience.

Solitaire Carcassonne. Build an idyllic countryside one tile at a time while trying to score points by matching edges of the hexagonal tiles to the environment you've already created. Match up tree edges together to build forests, houses together to build villages and score points and extra tiles for meeting special goals along the way.

A wonderfully chilled and relaxing game that works as both a light strategy/puzzle game, and as a soothing sandbox landscape builder. Very enjoyable.




Ord is a game that creates little adventures in a minimalist way through combinations of three words that vividly spark your imagination as you choose which direction to go



Short, simple - but a clear idea of what you're choosing to do in the situation. It's a game all about finding endings, frequently involving you dying, and then exploring different routes on subsequent playthroughs.

It doesn't have a huge amount of longevity, but it is engaging and interesting for a while and I always like to see games get experimental and different.

Interesting concept, needs tighter pacing and direction (not completed)

It's Overcooked but you make potions instead of burgers, definitely works as another game in the "chaos co-op" genre

An absolutely superb sequel. Kept the strong satirical nature of the universe, nd expanded Ratchet's gameplay with the addition of engaging, addictive weapon levelling. One of the best games in the series.

Excellent gameplay, loses it's way a little in terms of story - especially compared to 1 and 2 - and lacks the variety of levels and minigames previously seen in the series, but introduces memorable characters and is still an absolute blast to play.