Have you wcer wanted to be an 19th century English gentleman voyaging to the red planet with a friend or pet cat? Well here you go.

A very enjoyable, though short, asymmetrical co-operative puzzle experience with a brilliantly whimsical theme that's engaging for its full 90 minute length

A strong premise, disappointing execution. The frequent major updates are bringing the game to what it was always promised to be - but for now the core gameplay loop remains quite tedious and the quantity of content adds breadth rather than depth.

Maybe one day.

Excellent as a co-op title on the Playstation 2. Slow, considered, and tactical gameplay that really emphasises and rewards teamwork making for a really strong 2 player experience.

Different skillsets of the 4 party members adds a lot of character and creates genuine emotional investment.

Level design is strong, tone is excellent, although the story is somewhat forgettable - be the good guys, win the war?

A shame that the Steam version is single player.


A pretty game with strong sound design and a charming, colourful world filled with a variety of critters. Unfortunately let down by janky and stilted movement that makes the moment to moment gameplay awkward and platforming frustrating. Improves towards the end with an exhilarating teleport mechanic, but the jump remains frustrating throughout

NOT PLAY A LOT YET - but an interesting game so far. Tactical, deterministic combat with growing depth in an unusual and atmospheric world. Looking forward to playing more.

Slightly janky movement that can be frustrating at times and disappointing 'regular' enemies - but has a wonderful, creative and atmospheric world that keeps you wanting to explore.

Beautiful and extraordinary. Even despite a slight dip in pacing towards the end, The Outer Wilds is a stunning experience and unlike anything you've ever played.


"Theorycrafting light-bullet hells" are one of my new favourite types of game. With simple gameplay, constant action, frequent interesting decisions - SNKRX is a colourful and entertaining addition to the genre.

A small, tight skateboarding game set in a few tiny, gorgeous, isometric skateparks. Learn the tricky mechanics of skateboarding to build up speed and give yourself the elevation to pull off bigger and better tricks. Lacks content, but still a couple of hours of chilled fun.

Adequately executed, but very generic in its design - chop trees, build a bench, make a pickaxe, hit some rocks etc. Nothing to make it stand out, and slightly dodgy combat to boot - the spear for example can be used to quickly it effectively stun locks anyone you use it on.


A legendary and hugely influential title in mainstream video gaming. Ueda's debut release as a game designer is a powerful, emotional journey that still holds up 20 years later

A very cool game. Fascinating puzzles grounded in real world physics covering logic gates, analogue and digital electronics, and even the basic of Quantum Computing - given the quite nerdy theme the level of polish and detail in the visual design of The Long Gate is incredible. The puzzling all takes place on detailed realistic machinery in grand, gorgeous environments.

Not a game for everyone, but for physicists who like atmospheric video games - superb.

Really strong puzzle design in the bridge building, archipelago crossing, tile shifting, sokoban-esque puzzle game. Different coloured tiles have different rules for their movement, allowing interesting and engaging puzzles to be created through the combination of pieces. Visually a little bare bones, but very solid puzzle design makes it well worth playing!

Brilliantly polished game, some fantastic character designs, and a lot of interesting gameplay elements. I am well and truly done with Overwatch now, but plenty of great memories.

A worthy sequel to Mini Metro. A somewhat less holistic and less thematic puzzle than its predecessor, but an addictive, interesting problem to solve with excellent polish in its controls, visuals and sound. Simply a very enjoyable game to sit down with.