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1 day

Last played

May 15, 2021

Platforms Played


When I started this, a friend described it as a great game, but a bad Metroid. An absolutely bang-on description.

It runs at a good clip with straightforward linear progression and is just very satisfying. Creepy as shit being pursued almost by the spectre of how you're perceived. Suddenly powerless before yourself with no option but taking flight.

I can totally understand why this is many folks' fave entry, as the usual exploration and backtracking the series is known for isn't to everyone's taste. Just a tight few areas that you can plow through in no time. Where the other games kinda force you to tread carefully, this really feels like it's running behind you with its hands on your back, propelling you forward and screaming "YES! YES! YES!".

Great game. Samus owns.