January, 2024



Decided to just go for broke and enter the final battle.

God damn, is the new final boss a major step up, but also a much more complicated affair than last time.

And with that, Sonic Frontiers is done. I mean, I CAN do more, but I'll save that when I feel like revisiting the game.



FINALLY! I beat King Master Coco's Trial. GOD DAMN is the Wyvern fight a god damn ring check. It WILL waste rings in the fight, and even more if you're not careful. But, I finally got the golden run where phase one was dealt with quickly and phase two had me combo-parry out of situations so I could keep beating ass. I learned the bastard has a third counter attack if you don't go for the throw and parry him again when he does a tail whip. It was so sudden, I couldn't protect against it properly. But, he went down quick enough, making the Knight fight practically a cakewalk.

Now that it's done, I'm free to play as all four characters at my leisure, clean up any mini-puzzles left behind, and proceed to the secondary ending at my discretion.



Game complete! I finished the third run, and walked the True Path for the Golden Ending. What a ride this game was. Had to take a few lengthy breaks between weeks, even before starting up this account, but I knew I'd always come back to this. Hell, I might just go for an Xtra New Game run in the future on a harder difficulty... or maybe just the regular Hard setting that I had it on prior. I guess I'll see.

I will review this game sometime soon.



Completed the first Armageddon run and got the bad/generic ends for both the Cauldron and Laventhan, and managed to finish a second one AND start a third. It's down to the wire now, and after I finish the third run, I'll (likely) take the true path and end my first playthrough of the game.

December, 2023



Completed Final Chapter and Chapter ZERO. Attained the Hellish Abyss ending. The PS2 "Golden" ending. Yup, gonna write a review.

Also, new unlocks.
