44 reviews liked by Nightmare_0mega

this shit got known ape murderer clayton goin gunslinger with the dante jump, there's a guy fieri behemoth, everyone looks like they're in the middle of animorphing into bratz, and it's still one of the most holistically accomplished games square's ever made

and I don't wanna hear a bitch say they're too sophisticated for riku and the paopu fruit. I don't wanna hear you're too cool to tech the ice titan or fuck up james woods. when beast rolls up that's hype. when haley joel osment says "you're stupid" it channels the most authentic childhood frustration ever with the million dollar voice crack. I'm sorry I ever said anything about nomura's big dumb shoes. if that's what it takes to design something like this make em even bigger for all I care. make em fuckin huge. I'll visit the shoe world if I gotta

the entire postgame's an exercise in stretching and bending your toolkit into different shapes to respond to increasingly idiosyncratic scenarios. the list of strategies for sniperwilds and heated contention about which is optimal (I like firaga) would make your mind melt. it's got perfect pacing, striking presentation, a rock solid mechanical backbone, and the cutest halloween outfit. kingdom hearts kinda rules

you can hurl a big ass key at sephiroth, build your gummi ship all jacked up, slump cloud and squall simultaneously, and recant every bad thing you ever said about the combat after playing proud mode

if you set aside your terminal irony poisoning and/or castle wall cynicism for a sec you can even engage with its earnest exploration of (pre)teen emotionalism and use of familiar pop elements as archetypal shorthand to meet adolescence someplace known and understood and maybe come away with better grasp of its enduring resonance beyond the chimeric childhood vhs premise

who knows

the way this leverages hyakkimaru hunting down 48 demons to recover his 48 body parts to slowly dole out more and more features is so system shock coded. it's soo good. killing a boss in the prologue and seeing the game transition from black&white to full colour cos you reclaimed your eye is absolute tip top stuff. being forced to amble as slowly as possible before you get your leg... yes... yes... I love this. this was made for me. I am the one person on earth who likes that you can't recover from knockdowns without an ear

I'm so on board with everything here that I don't care that the hitboxes largely range from active to lingering to humungous to vertically infinite. don't care that the maps are gigantic and full of nothing but enemies and swords like it's drakengard. you bet your ass I hunted down every last yokai to get my chakra and lymph nodes back even tho I still don't understand what half the stats do. I'm vibing man, who cares

it's cool that the common moral thruline across every story beat is that those who desire disproportionate wealth and power should probably be killed. also cool that one of the major metroidvania upgrades you get half way thru the game is controller vibration. sega was on some astral shit with this one; if someone told me modern camera controls were hidden behind an optional boss I'd nod like it was the most obvious thing I ever heard

as a reimagining of the manga it oscillates between playing stuff 1:1 and riffing on the source material in a way only a 2004 hack-n-slash called BLOOD WILL TELL ever could. the new twist reminds me of the scene in adaptation where the goofy nicolas cage twin describes his screenplay for a film called "The Three" about a killer, victim, and cop who all turn out to be the same person with multiple personality disorder. it's such a dumb ass Whoa Dude way of answering questions that don't matter, and it rules

sick ass game

Silent Hill 2 is a very complex and deep game, and one of the most important horror games made by Team Silent, the problem is, that almost nobody understands it. Silent Hill is the most misunderstood franchise in the gaming culture specially SH2, mostly because people tend to spread false information about this game, like saying that Mary isn't abusive (even tho Masahiro Ito which is responsible for the symbolisms of this game, says that the flesh lips is a metaphor of Mary's mouth which was used to abuse James), saying that James is a bad person, didn't loved her, or that James or Pyramid Head is a r4p1st, non of these are true, are all made up lies that goes against the evidences and the whole meaning of the game and it's plot. So sad how a beautiful game got in the wrong hands of some people. This game has a defined canon and it's not open for "interpretations" this game is just complex, and people who doesn't do their research tend to spread this idea that the game is open to interpret however u want, which isn't true. This game is very inspired by the works of Sigmund Freud, James's relationship is very complex, and James got his reasons to end Mary's life.

Every monster in this game has it's symbolisms, so the areas of this game, like that part of James walking down the stairs, which represents that we are getting deeper into James's mind. This game has a lot of details and everything in this game is just pure genius. I've made a 7 hour analysis of this game, and i got to say, this game will forever be a timeless masterpiece, i doubt the remake will ever be able to get close of what SH2 is.

Everything from the classics you could want, even more on Mega Collection Plus on the PS2, which is where I played it all my childhood. This is how I experienced these classic games.

This game is not for me and that's fine. I prefer the older tank control games.
For what it's worth it was enjoyable enough for me to finish it. it does what it does well enough and I understand the appeal.
I just wish it didn't change resi into games like it for like a decade

a beautifully paced murder mystery, unravelling into a web of philosophical themes backed by a stellar cast, fantastic pacing and a wonderful soundtrack. masterpiece.

One of those games that got shit on at the time that I thought was perfectly fine. Haven't actually played it since 2000 to tell if that's true or just my naive peepers thinking everything released early on for the PS2 was heaven incarnate.

P4U2 in 2020.

The sequel which introduced my favorite Persona villain, Sho Minazuki. The story followed up on Arena's and we got to see the P3 and P4 cast banter with each other, which im certain all everyone ever wanted. Arena's core gameplay is still here and just as good, with some questionable buffs to some characters (Narukami) and Shadow characters were a fun new feature (that were hilariously broken in a version of the game we never got here in the states.) But this game is high tier. Love it.


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