MediEvil 2 2000

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Library Ownership


Full bias incoming!

I played this game so many times for so many weeks and weekends, and I didn't even get to own the game until later in life (thanks to it being a gift from a friend). That's right, I RENTED this game constantly. I probably spent more money on this game than the initial retail price was for it. I probably could have bought the game if I were just more frugal with my cash. But, kids be kids, lol.

That out of the way, I have to say that I don't think this is better than the original. It's much cheesier and hokier (especially with its plot), has a scant few, very light movement glitches, and I felt it was a little too short. Plus, it had many, many more mid level load times, and sometimes had boss battles completely separate from the stage they came from.

Despite all that, I felt its highs were better than the original. The game had more interesting locals, the music was amazing start to finish, the weapons were still indeed fun to use, Dan Hand was always a joy, and the mood via gameplay and setting atmosphere was delightfully darker.

Also, from a personal anecdote, there is something so immensely satisfying about walking up to a zombie that's charging towards you, whipping out a Blunderbuss, pulling the trigger, and watching it explode into gory pieces, spraying green, rotted blood everywhere. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

We'll probably never again have a game like this; A cartoony, Tim Burton inspired partial gore fest that has a low to mid brow sense of humor worn proudly on the glove's rim. For all of its warts and boils, I'm glad Medievil II exists, and sits at #4 of my favorites.