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2 days ago

Nikostallvic reviewed The Outer Worlds
This game is only better than Starfield by this much 🤏 because its not plagued by insanely stupid mechanics and a million loading screens. This game is equally as mediocre and lame in almost every single way.

This game at its very core is just “guys its fallout but we made it our own thing 🙂." Except its missing practically every single aspect of what makes Fallout so appealing.

There's a very limited amount of quests to do in this game and all of the planet's maps are also very small and limited, really not allowing the player to explore and walk around very much at all to find anything interesting.

The combat is genuinely worse than Fallout 4, people were coping mad hard after getting burned by Bethesda after FO4 and 76. The controls feel incredibly stiff with really clunky animations and recoil. The bootleg VATS is also just bullet time lol, it is incredibly uninspired.

Despite being an RPG, the world in this game is so fucking bad, it's insane. I don’t know what Obsidian was trying to make the audience feel when making this game other than “corporations are evil!”

Genuinely, the first big choice you make in this game is choosing between a generic, corrupt corporation- run town or a group of deserters that take human bodies and decompose them so they can grow plants.

Bro, just because you make the player choose between two evils doesn’t make it good writing. Both sides are cartoonishly stupid and have almost no redeemable qualities at all. The corporations are unbelievably dumb because the writers didn’t want to compromise the player from being drilled in the head with the idea that CORPORATIONS ARE EVIL! It's so shallow and boring, just like the rest of the game itself.

That's the thing too, the corporations that are supposed to be evil and control like every area in the game are some of the dumbest people alive. Like the mayor in Edgewater denying that only eating fake canned tuna isn't related to the entire fucking town becoming sick?! Or maybe the fact that even in slogans its all done to make fun of how mediocre the corporations are.

Like with Spacer's Choice's motto being "It's not the best choice, it's Spacer's Choice!" and also how an endless amount of NPCs in this game will say shit like "Erm, I'll have you know that our surgery success rate has increased to a solid 58% succces rate!" Like bro we get it, corporations are evil and dumb lol.

But because of this narrative, none of the NPCs feel like actual human beings, they feel like puppets that just exist to reinforce the idea of corporations being dumb. It’s shoved into your face constantly and even if it's supposed to be satire, it's all this game is. The only issue is that this game is a fucking RPG where I’m supposed to be immersed and care about the world but how can I do that when the writer’s purposefully make every NPC so dumb and one dimensional to reinforce a shallow narrative?!

I genuinely hate how this game looks aesthetically too. Like some of this the environments and cities can look kind of cool I guess but I hate how all the NPCs and technology look.

Every female NPC has the same butch lesbian haircut and every man will all have the same face too with maybe some stupid steampunk cosplay looking ass mustache on their face. This game aesthetically looks like a redditor's wet dream. How the fuck did Obsidian manage to make every NPC look so ugly and all look the same when they're working with UE4?! It's genuinely insane.

This game is one of the most forgettable games I've ever played in my entire life. The only reason people still talk about this game is because its made by Obsidian and they made New Vegas (the best game ever) even though barely any of the original devs that worked on New Vegas actually worked on Outer Worlds.

3 days ago

7 days ago

Nikostallvic reviewed Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts
I really love the Zion National Park world space, the new items and I really enjoy certain parts of the narrative like Joshua Graham and The Survivalist story

Other than that, the DLC is definitely too short and is just a whole lot of fetch quests. I really wish there was more dialogue and interaction between tribes and other characters.

It's still pretty enjoyable to play every time I replay through New Vegas.

7 days ago

8 days ago

Nikostallvic published a list Nostalgia

37 Games

8 days ago

Nikostallvic reviewed Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road
My favorite thing about Lonesome Road is probably all the items and weapons. Otherwise, this is definitely the weakest New Vegas DLC. There's literally no NPC interaction besides ED-E and Ulysses and even though Ulysses is cool conceptually I don't really find his motives realistic and I feel like trying to get the player to step back and feel bad for actions that they've never done in person or were forced to do to forward the game's story is lame.

I've never really heard of anyone being a Ulysses defender, he's just carried by his cool ass voice but all he does is spew nihilistic psychobabble bullshit lol.

I liked ED-E's backstory though, I thought it was cute.

9 days ago

Nikostallvic reviewed It Takes Two
My impressions of what this game would be and what it is were so far off lol.

Despite the game getting GOTY in 2021, I thought it just won because there weren't really any good releases in 2021 (which is still true) so I just thought this game was just a generic "quirky!" game but I was so off.

This game really took what A Way Out did and just improves on it in practically every single way with a much more engaging and emotional story, incredible and super unique level design that changes dramatically in every area of the game and naturally blends together so well.

The game also just has incredible pacing too, almost every area in the game never really overstays it's welcome and always provides different unique mechanics that always make the game feel fresh.

This may seem obvious but this game really does force you to work hard with your partner and you genuinely feel like in real life you develop more synergy with them as well as how Cody and May do within the story.

I haven't ever really played anything like this before. Again, the closest thing is A Way Out and even if I still liked that game, this game is WAY better.

12 days ago

12 days ago

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