Finished this game in January. It was okay and an overall improvement over the first Goemon game on Famicom, but the first few levels were a slog. Game oddly got more fun the further I got but I'm glad to leave this one behind.

Just might be one of the most boring RPGs I've ever played. An absolute slog to get through. It doesn't have an interesting story, not that it would need to because it's a Goemon game, but this story even fails to properly capitalize on the humour of the franchise. Battle are incredibly simple and boring, with maybe only one slight difficulty spike 3/4 through the game. Giving it only one star since it did give me some nice nostalgia of playing an 8-bit game.

Also known as Ganbare Goemon: Yukihime Kyūshutsu Emaki, this game is a wonderful delight for the SNES. The visuals, gameplay, and music all make for a fond memory I'll be glad to hold onto for rest of the year. Might have to make it a tradition to beat a Ganbare Goemon game every New Years Day.

I also enjoyed this game enough to replay the Japanese version of this game.

A well made game with a great, emotional story and a cast of excellently acted characters. Unfortunately, the linear, restrictive mission design feels out of place with its vast, open world.

The hunting sidequests were the best part of RDR2 and easily could have been its own game.