Nioh 2 2020

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 11, 2023

Platforms Played


My personal favorite souls-like game more than any souls game save for Sekiro, the amount of depth in this game's mechanics can be scary at first for new players as it was for me. But once you get the flow of it is when the game really shines and it makes me glad i stuck with it. The amount of options this game gives the player to play however they want is incredible. With a story mixing real japanese history (Sengoku period to be exact) and japanese mythology it was surprisingly a very good combination that made the world very rich. I dropped the first Nioh game years ago because i was so frustrated with it (skill issue) but this game convinced to go back to it.
(side note: the character creation in this game is by far the best in any game i have ever played)

I have 2 issues with this game with those being the loot system and some of the enemy placements. I'll start with the loot system because that's the biggest offender to me, it's uses Diablo's loot system with each armor set or weapon have multiple rarities and random stats and you can end up with an insane of dupes thus encouraging farming till you get the perfect set you want, which is one of my least favorites things to put in a game. The second isn't as severe and it's the enemy placements, for whatever reason the devs thought putting multiple enemies in a tight room is "hard" and decent number of ambushes as a bonus while it isn't a big deal it does make the difficulty cheap at times and some death unfair.

In summary this game does a lot right that i can ignore a few shortcomings except the loot system, if you found the other souls games too basic for your taste then this game is definitely for you.