I have heard many good things about this game and was pretty excited to jump into it.
This game has a fantastic story i would even go as far as saying maybe the best one in any game i have played but it is held back by a very lacking and barebones combat system. This might be a rare viewpoint i actually did not mind replaying the endings as odd as that sounds, because the game actually gave you a good reason why you had to for most of them and by that point i was pretty invested so i did not mind all too much.
Most of the areas are pretty okay i don't think i was mindblown by a certain area but they do their job but the cast were nothing short of perfect, really really loved them all there's usually a weak link in most games but not this one probably due to them being just 3 but still no complaints, they're one of the reasons i pushed on and the fantastic and beautiful soundtrack helped a lot as well.
So in summary i liked the game as a story more than a game as if i was reading a book if that makes sense

My personal favorite souls-like game more than any souls game save for Sekiro, the amount of depth in this game's mechanics can be scary at first for new players as it was for me. But once you get the flow of it is when the game really shines and it makes me glad i stuck with it. The amount of options this game gives the player to play however they want is incredible. With a story mixing real japanese history (Sengoku period to be exact) and japanese mythology it was surprisingly a very good combination that made the world very rich. I dropped the first Nioh game years ago because i was so frustrated with it (skill issue) but this game convinced to go back to it.
(side note: the character creation in this game is by far the best in any game i have ever played)

I have 2 issues with this game with those being the loot system and some of the enemy placements. I'll start with the loot system because that's the biggest offender to me, it's uses Diablo's loot system with each armor set or weapon have multiple rarities and random stats and you can end up with an insane of dupes thus encouraging farming till you get the perfect set you want, which is one of my least favorites things to put in a game. The second isn't as severe and it's the enemy placements, for whatever reason the devs thought putting multiple enemies in a tight room is "hard" and decent number of ambushes as a bonus while it isn't a big deal it does make the difficulty cheap at times and some death unfair.

In summary this game does a lot right that i can ignore a few shortcomings except the loot system, if you found the other souls games too basic for your taste then this game is definitely for you.

Very fun game with a lot of soul, while the gameplay loop can get stale around the halfway point of the game and a decent chunk of the bosses are forgettable and don't leave an impression. I still enjoyed this a game a lot and it's high points are really high especially during the last two bosses and not to mention the stellar voice acting and soundtrack added so much to the game, i plan to play 2 and 3 eventually as well.

One of the games the longer it went the less i liked it. The story in the first part was generic which isn't necessarily bad since i enjoyed it but the second part was when they stopped being generic and it all went downhill the amount of "plot twists" and the padding did not help it's case. Most of the cast being underwhelming and forgettable compounds the issues of the second part.
The gameplay was amazing the only flaw i can think of is that in the late game it gets really easy, the graphics and the music on the other hand were perfect.

This was my first SMT game and there are some issues i had the game. One of them being it's repetitiveness and how weak the story i didn't feel like a lot of effort was put to suck you into the game to offset the below average world design. second issue is the overall gameplay it was very average where you have to explore this vast dead areas for a huge part of the game they put nothing in to make it fun to explore except the handful of quests in those areas. the first 3 areas feel exactly the same with just different colors. that coupled with the slim story makes you feel you are in a time loop of doing the same thing over and over.
It was really fun the few first hours then it gradually became a slog to finish it.

Underrated, Play Katana Zero.

This game has everything, from good characters to amazing world-building to a really interesting combat and class system