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Time Played

11h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 4, 2024

First played

December 30, 2023

Platforms Played


Miles Morales is all in all a game split right down the middle between improvement and glorified DLC. General gameplay is better across the board but there was no attempt at making the boring as fuck side missions any better. Same old shit, different suit.
I like the conflict between Miles and Phin. I bought their emotional connection and in the end I see Miles as having earned his place as Spider-Man. At the same time: Phin gets to die a heros death after endangering innocent lives with her gang of thugs and almost nuking the entirety of Harlem out of pur spite and arrogance. No fuck off, frankly I dont care if the pilot that dropped little boy over Hiroshima had trauma, you dont get to ride of into the sunset. Phin is not a tragic hero, she is a piece of shit.
Do I recommend Miles Morales in the end ? Yes, if you liked Spiderman PS4, then you will generaly have a fun time. Its a short and sweet Campaing with a great soundtrack at the very least. Definitly get it on a sale if you can.