The more titles rgg releases the more confident i'm getting that they're just getting closer and closer to the perfect must play title

I don't think I've ever played a game that was as soulless as this. The game looks cool and plays alright, but there is no reason for anything to happen in the game, the characters are extremely bland, nothing in this game is explained, the main villain i think only appears for 5 minutes...truly a disaster. If you wanted a great fps just play titanfall 2, if you wanted another one play trepang2, if you played the first 2 then replay them. This game just feels like a demo of a demo, and not even a good demo


I love this game so much, its gameplay, artstyle, intriguing characters, music, everything. One of if not the most fun video games I've ever played.

Great combat, but doubt it will be remembered in a year

Always nice to play a tournament or two

"this is peach syrup, tinned peach syrup, what a drink!"-Michael Rosen-

Everything done in this game is an improvement over the first game

While relatively short, the characters and gameplay are a pretty big evolution from the classic bethesda fallout games

Really damn good souls like that sadly gets dragged down by some unfavorable boss fights

I really wish it would have maintained the "so bad its good" vibe for the entirety of the game, sadly only the first 1/3 of the game gave me that feeling

Really good ideas, but still has more potential

Did quite a lot of runs of the game and I'm happy to say i don't think i will drop it anytime soon