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this game makes me mad (not as mad as SwSh tho)
the core gameplay is the best (of the dual-release games) since BW2, straight up. Decent exploration, best difficulty since USUM, (which for Pokemon means i almost wiped like, once), best rival since Hugh, genuinely decent story with like, actually the best climax in the series surprisingly enough.
why oh why did it have to have like, a 3 year dev cycle then? this game did NOT need to come out in 2022 when PLA had JUST released.
everyone knows how shit this game runs. everyone knows all the bugs, everyone knows that it looks like shit. like, it's all this game is known for. it's genuinely deplorable and I'm SO glad I wasn't the one who paid for my copy.
if this game had gotten like a year or 2 more of dev time it could've been the best Pokemon game EVER, they could've pulled it off, but gamefreak and TPC are allergic to the idea of there not being a new mainline game every 2 seconds so it didn't happen. Now I'm stuck sitting here like a dumbass genuinely defending this game in a lot of aspects despite the fact that it sucks so much shit in so many other ones.
whatever, still like a 7/10, especially with the DLC, it's like a solid B+ and i wish it could've gotten more time. gamefreak is such a cancer company.