Log Status






Time Played

26h 0m

Days in Journal

42 days

Last played

June 22, 2020

First played

March 12, 2012


I honestly can't say how many times I've played this game. I'd say this last playthrough might be my 11th or so. I've loved this game since I was a kid, and it's given me hours upon hours of continuous fun and was my entry to this storied franchise with all of its ups and downs. Dead Rising 2 is just a blast, with the wacky combo weapons, clothing customization, tons of side quests, and the whole time limit mechanic always adds a fun level of tension to the whole affair.

Be wary of the PC port in the frustrations that come from trying to get a controller working with the game, especially a Dualshock 4 (my preferred controller), but after some tinkering around, the game works great; steady framerate, didn't crash at all, and it's easy to run on modern machines. Dead Rising 2 is certainly a game to check out if you've been curious about Dead Rising if the first game is too intimidating to start off with.