Still a better violence begets violence story than The Last of Us Part 2.

As enamored as I've been over the works of Goichi Suda, I hadn't played any of his games until now. As a fan of "weirder" games (or at least ones that attempt to subvert traditional conventions), No More Heroes delivers on that front. First looking to be a standard hack-n-slash action title, No More Heroes flips the script by additionally putting in goofy mini-games and an increasingly ridiculous narrative to truly keep you hooked throughout.

No More Heroes succeeds with flying colors on many fronts, but it helms many fundamental issues that truly hold it back from being pure bliss; there's plenty of slowdowns whether playing docked or handheld on Switch (this is a straight port of a Wii game, by the way, so there's no excuse for the choppiness), sometimes grueling checkpoints, and bland open-world filler that kills the mission pacing to annoying degrees.

There are certainly tons more that could be said about No More Heroes, but when putting things simply, No More Heroes is just a certified "good game," but with plenty of caveats behind that recommendation. If you're someone who's generally been okay with how The East has handled action titles over the past couple of decades, you'll probably get a kick out of No More Heroes. Otherwise, I'd recommend you nab this at a sale price.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2021
