Went back to Reach to finish it with a control method that doesn't freaking suck, and honestly, the PC experience is the way to go, say for the sometimes questionable optimization. Anyway, Halo: Reach is a great game with plenty of expansive, enjoyable levels, a mostly fair challenge when trekking through heroic difficulty, and as per usual, the multiplayer offerings are great.

Everything's great about Reach, except for one thing I've really begun to notice, now that I'm able to actually aim my guns like an adult; that's the reticle bloom, which is honestly a terrible addition to the game. Aiming and firing consecutive shots with a DMR or any other precision-based weapon acts like a chore, now as you have to pace your shots out in this rather annoying manner, dragging out combat encounters with enemies that require the be hit precisely (the added difficulties like heroic and legendary don't assist with this). Reticle bloom, alone really dampers the experience when playing the game, but I guess it should be worth mentioning that I never really had a problem with this until I finally started playing it on PC, so I guess it's not too much of a problem when you're using a gamepad, or playing on the Shitbox One version of the game (either of the new ports are the way to go with the framerate boost and removable motion blur).

Oh well, even with my reticle bloom complaint aside, Halo: Reach still rocks, but I'm finding it hard to really call it my "favorite" Halo, anymore.

Reviewed on May 19, 2020
