Killer7 2005

Log Status






Time Played

12h 13m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 5, 2021

First played

July 25, 2021

Platforms Played


Killer 7 is a highly unique and interesting game for it's era, and as a chapter in the "Kill the Past series." This game is easily one of the most unique, and impactful games on the Gamecube in terms of visual presentation. The cel-shaded graphics give a precursor look to what we would later see in future Kill The Past games such as No More Heroes, but with a more rough angle to it. The gameplay features you running on a set of preset paths where you can chose a direction to go once you reach an intersection. This style of movement took a little getting used to, but it also gave me a hint of the feeling of playing the previous Kill the Past entry, The Silver Case, so after a couple levels I got the hang of it. The combat requires you to stop in place to aim down sights like a rail shooter and hitting targets before they attack you and blow up. Successfully killing enemies gives you thick blood which is then used to trade into levels to further buff your character of choice. Speaking of characters, you play as the titular Killer 7, who are a group of world renowned assassins who all possess the body of Harman Smith, an old man in a wheel chair. You are able to switch between any character in the killer 7 via a safe room through the TV or through the pause menu, each character with their own sets of strengths and weaknesses. My personal favorite to play as were Dan Smith, and Mask De Smith who use a revolver, and grenade launcher respectively. The story primarily follows the exploits of Garcian Smith, one of the "personalities" that reside within the head of Harman smith as he goes on a mostly episodic adventure taking out various targets to help the prevention of terrorism in the United States. The story starts to explore the origins of Garcian and the other Smiths towards the end of the game, culminating in a truly mind bending and interesting conclusion that is sure to stick with anyone for years. Killer 7 is a worthy game to add to your backlog, and a great game in the Kill the Past Series. My only complaints are that I wish the story had more focus during the middle portion of the game, that's not to say that the episodic structure is bad, or that I didn't enjoy those missions, but having them tie in to the overall narrative would've made the game that much better. Also some of the songs in this game are absolutely stunning, but for some inexplicable reason Suda (the game's director) decided the best course of action was to put the best song in the game, Rave On, in a short 5 second section, really an odd choice. But regardless Killer 7 is a game that will forever hold a special place in my memory, and I cannot wait to see what the rest of Kill the Past has to offer.