Log Status






Time Played

12h 20m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 30, 2021

First played

June 21, 2021

Platforms Played


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart is the long awaited sequel to the series that continues where Into the Nexus left off. The story picks up the plot threads left by the "Future" series but many years later where the titular Ratchet and Clank are now feeling out of shape as heroes since they haven't been on an adventure in many years. But they are quickly thrust back into action when Dr. Nefarious gets his robot claws on Clank's Dimensionator which sucks them into a parallel dimension where Nefarious always wins. It is here where Ratchet and Clank get separated and clank meets up with the alternate reality version of Ratchet, the rebel lombax, Rivet. It is here where Ratchet and Rivet's fates intertwine on a journey to send Ratchet and Clank back to their dimension and stopping Nefarious from conquering the multiverse. In this game you play between 4 main characters, which mirror each other resulting in honestly just 2 different play styles. Ratchet and Rivet play the exact same as each other in the typical R&C format. Quick gunplay while strafing with occasional melee and platforming. There are some minor additions such as "Ghost Shifting" and the use of Rift Portals which help you zip and fly around battle arenas. The gameplay is a ton of fun as is the case with most of the Ratchet and Clank games. Clank, and his counterpart Kit play the same segments where they enter dimensional rifts where they solve simple puzzles to reach an objective. These puzzle segments aren't as complex or difficult as Clank's puzzle segments in Crack in Time, but they feel just as rewarding when you solve them. The visuals, as are with most PS5 first party games, are absolutely stunning, and a great example of the PS5's power. The non existent load times also help keep the flow of gameplay at a constant stream which will keep any player engaged to the gameplay. I really hope Sony is willing to see the excellence and sales of this game and seek to bring back the golden Playstation trio of Sly and Jak back into the fold with this type of fidelity, but only time will tell. My only major complaint for the game was I wished there was a little more diversity between Rivet and Ratchet's play-style but I understand why the didn't, and honestly that's just a minor complaint. Overall this is a great return to the main story line of ratchet and clank, and I cannot wait to see what insomniac has in store for us next.