Log Status






Time Played

11h 21m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 18, 2021

First played

September 5, 2021

Platforms Played


Travis Strikes Again is the third entry in the No More Heroes series, and the culmination of the Kill The Past Universe (at the time of writing this review.) This game is a very interesting and exciting twist on the NMH formula. The gameplay feels almost like a mix of various elements of retro and indie games which is no mistake as Suda originally intended this game to be a huge cross over of indie games instead of KTP, but despite that original idea not coming to fruition, it's DNA is still strongly prevalent in the duration of this adventure. There are various different kinds of puzzles and gameplay styles that are explored in this game such as side scrolling, third person action, bullet hell, and top down dungeon crawling ala Gauntlet, and Hotline Miami which takes up a majority of the game's gameplay. As someone who deeply loves games likes endless enemy fighting in a top down gauntlet style this game was a bit of a blast for me to get through, but I know many people had a problem with this style, so if it's not your cup of tea you might not enjoy it as much as I did. What may make the game more palatable for many people is playing CO-OP with a friend to go through the various Death Balls (dungeons) as there are plenty of chaotic situations to go through with friends. Speaking to co-op, the game's story revolves around Badman as he hunts down Travis to get revenge for killing his daughter, Bad Girl, from NMH1. But as Badman closes in on Travis they both get sucked into the Death Drive a video game console where they learn about the enigmatic Dr. Juvenile who created the game world. Now Travis and Badman must to work together to find all the Death Balls, which are the video games to the Death Drive, to summon an all powerful Tiger that can bring Bad Girl back to life. Each death ball serves as their own individual dungeons with their own stories and puzzles to solve with yourself or friends. And in between each Death Ball level you go through a visual novel segment where you see many familiar faces from the KTP-verse and continue a couple plot threads from those games. All in all I think TSA is just a very misunderstood game because people expected this to be NMH3, but now that we have NMH3 I think it deserves another chance. And now that games like Silver Case, 25th Ward, and Killer 7 are more accessible to everyone, this game should be able to reach a wider audience that can appreciate what it was trying to do. Go ahead give it another chance.