I bought an PSP as a child and this was pretty much the only game I ever played on it

Perfect if you love reading your protagonist going around harassing other people, the scene where he bullies a guy over how he used to be fat and gets him to confess information by dangling food over him was when I had enough.

Pretty good sequel and that builds on and answers questions from the previous game. Enjoyment largely depends on how much you enjoy slice of life and the setting.

2nd favorite Liarsoft so far.

final route goes crazy hard

The story is so good you persevere through shitty gameplay, multiple times!

Impressive how well the second game does at wrapping up the incredibly, almost non existent story of the original and fleshing it out. I actually cared for a few of the characters, despite dialogue being very minimalistic.

Only gripe with the games is the lack of a minimap, which makes exploring the dungeons incredibly frustrating without a guide, as they're super easy to get lost in, especially the lava level.

Also recommend watching the OVAs, they're nice companion pieces that also flesh out the story a lot.

Mia a cute.

Could've been a little longer to flesh out side characters, but oh well. Follows the standard Ryukishi story format of the early story being horror (light in this case) and then having the mysteries slowly unravel.

Also loved the treasure hunting gimmick.


Jun Maeda's masterpiece, a huge improvement in every way over his work in Kanon and ONE. This is Maeda finding himself, essentially.

Skip the side heroine routes, or keep expectations low if you feel the need that you absolutely must read them, because they're REALLY bad

Starts out slow, but ends up wrapping up as an excellent mystery with loveable characters and some solid twists. Pleasant surprise after the last entry in the series.

Do you ever think about how this series is almost as old as Ys? Even older if you include title like Little Princess, which become part of the canon later. Wild.

Not initially obvious, but Ryukishi took so much from this in the way it plays with character roles in different routes, or in Ryukishi's case 'Episodes'

Also, Ryukishi's semi-sequel (?) route was my favorite, along with the Mystery routes. Everything else is mostly joke routes that are pretty brief.

Great game, slightly diminished by the terrible quality of the dubbing, which is a bit of a shame since it completely ruins a bunch of dramatic moments.

The DLC rules and this game probably delivers best on horror more so than anything else Ryukishi has done (IMO)