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Oblivescence completed Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht - Reloaded
For this review I'll mostly discuss my thoughts on the English dub as that is the only voice language in this game and the gameplay remains unchanged. To be honest I love the dub, it is cheesy at times and it's very hit or miss but I like it. Shion's voice especially I think is perfect and Allen does incredible as well, they're so fitting. KOS-MOS is also good. While there are quite a few voices I like, there's a lot I don't. I think the worst voice in this game by far is Nephilim. I understand what they were going for but it is just horrible. chaos' voice is also very off-putting in a bad way. Now that I got the dub out of the way I really like the costumes they added but I wish they added more. The game remains unchanged in every other aspect though.

9 hrs ago

Oblivescence backloggd Baroque

15 hrs ago

Oblivescence completed Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht
What an adventure. I'm reviewing this with the original Japanese voice acting in mind as Episode I Reloaded only has English voices so I'll voice my thoughts about it there. This game is incredible, I loved it, it's my favorite Sci Fi RPG currently but it does suffer from Part 1 syndrome where everything is told to you in pieces. Personally this is a positive for me because it gives you so much room to think about the information the game does give you. In regard to the voice acting, frankly it's great. The voices do sound a little typical if you've played a Japanese games but there are some stand out performances like Jr. and Shion in some cases. Speaking of Shion what an interesting protagonist. I loved seeing her relationship with KOS-MOS and her passionate desire to view everyone as equal, she wants KOS-MOS to have a soul and she's so obviously in love with her. That being said the game didn't focus on Shion and KOS-MOS as much as I thought it would. The game is very centered around your party and all the characters in it so the attention is split between them. Speaking of characters chaos intrigues me the most, where is he from? How does he have those powers? Why isn't the first letter of his name capitalized?? Also the soundtrack, my god what an incredible soundscape. There's nothing I've ever heard that was like the last minute and a half of the Prologue track. And KOS-MOS' theme sounding so hollow with a deep sense of melancholy and despair yet still trying to reach out for something, it's probably my favorite track in the game but it's so hard to choose. I love the use of epic orchestral music like you would hear in Star Wars mixed with the ethereal chanting and religious hymns, it's incredible. The combat is also very good. The use of the turn system with the boost system allows for some really satisfying moments and the fact that you can transfer ether skills and unlock all these tech attacks is great. I really enjoyed the gameplay. This game truly was a journey, but only a part. I'm excited for what comes next.

15 hrs ago

2 days ago

5 days ago

Oblivescence completed Final Fantasy XIV: Death Unto Dawn
The MSQ was a little boring at times but it ended off really good, I always love it when the game lets you control the other characters, it makes things more interesting and unique to the MSQ. I'm really excited for Endwalker, I'm no longer a sprout!

5 days ago

7 days ago

Oblivescence completed Final Fantasy XIV: Futures Rewritten
The MSQ was overall pretty boring but the conclusion to the Eden raids was incredible, Ryne and Gaia are so cute together. Progging the savage fights is very fun so far. The ending was interesting and it's making me really excited for Endwalker.

8 days ago

9 days ago

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