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Oblivescence is now playing Jet Set Radio

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9 days ago

Oblivescence completed Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse
The worst part about this game is that it has genuinely good moments. The shift in art style severely dampered my enjoyment because the first game had such a charming style and it reflected that 90s anime aesthetic that they had going in the concept art for the game. I really don't like how KOS-MOS looks, most people look fine, good actually but the fact that's it's so different from the first game brings it down for me because that was one of the things I loved about it. The overall shift of focus from Shion and KOS-MOS also was something I didn't really enjoy, while Jr. is cool, I really didn't need a whole game dedicated to him and it left me wanting more from the other characters. I wish they let Shion keep her glasses and please give her a better outfit next time. I don't really like the combat. I mean, it's fine I'm sure some people love it but it was just not that interesting to me and it's really weird I vastly prefer the first game's combat. The cutscenes were really well done though and the voice acting is great once again, at least the Japanese voices are I know they replaced the original English VAs. I also really liked how they used the mechs in this game. The overall plot wasn't that good in my opinion there were some weird moment that came out of nowhere but the ending was great, it set up a lot of intrigue and I'm very excited to see what Episode III has in store. Overall there's a lot of good stuff stuck in a bad game. I came out wishing I liked this so much because it could've been so good if they kept the original team.

13 days ago

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