Never had I played a Yakuza game before this one and here I am, like many before me, astounded as to why I waited so long to try one of these games. I've never had so much fun doing seemingly pointless shit in a game just for the fun of it. So many little mini-games, little sub-stories and lore that gets shared by interacting with everything around you. The level of detail put into so many interactions made me feel all types of emotions. Majima is THAT DUDE and I hella love Kiryu just as much. How they made two characters be so fun to play as is beyond me. I laughed, I cried and I smiled in many parts of my playthrough and found myself feeling inspired by a lot of the messages you find in side-quest. Thankful for games like this.

In my opinion, the Megaman series is at its best when it has RPG elements and Legends does that and so much more. Sure, for today's standards a lot of this game might not impress many, the controls might irritate others but look aside those petty grievances and put yourself in the shoes of a kid from the late 90's / early 00's. This was / is the SHIT! the level of detail, the beautiful poly models, THE MUSIC! the sound font is so damn iconic, I mean listen to that damn bass. the fact so many buildings are enterable, the expressive and loveable cast, so many little secret interactions and items to make powerful side weapons. The voice acting in this game is charming as hell and whoever voices Tiesel deserves an AWARD. They really took a chance with this game and really wish more people appreciated it. Anyone looking for a fun throwback game to put some time into, look no further!