6 Reviews liked by OhSora

if being gay was illegal in the ace attorney universe, 2/3 of the cast would be in jail

"Professor were you really in Epstein Island?"

As a free prototype tutorial thing for a potential full game, this is quite interesting. I like the aesthetics and the overall vibe, as the feeling I get from it reminds me heavily of ICO and Dark Souls 1. The gameplay itself has a lot of potential, with just blocks rewarding you with stamina regen and making it easier to land a parry. It feels very janky and unresponsive at times though, with the character doing shit that feels random at times. The checkpointing also sucks, because after death you have to redo everything (as in, find items and what not all over again). I definitely hope they can polish this and turn it into a full game, though, I would run it for sure.

This deserves much more attention. The art style in unique as the characters design, the soundtrack is amazing and the gameplay is fun, fluid and reactive. The best part is the philosophy that emerges at the end of the game along with the subtle criticism against the modern vision of work and the workaholics.

So much hype for a game which was born old. It is a technically flawless work full of repetitive and boring side quests and collectibles (they take up most of the playing time). The story is ok, nothing memorable. Combat system is the only thing that I liked as it is inspired from Batman Arkham series; anyway those games implemented it way better than this.

Completing Yakuza games has forced me to play this game for several hours and I can gladly say it's just Tekken in worse. Not the worst fighting game I've played, but the boring characters, unintuitive gameplay and an unfair secret chapter really don't make me want to play VF5 out of free choice. Still fairly enjoyable for some reason...?