This is a hard game to judge, coming from a small studio it is an interesting experience. To start with the positives, the sound and art direction are excellent. There are some amazing set pieces here that had me stopping constantly. But sadly the most important element was lacking. The combat was boring and unresponsive, it came down to spamming Square square triangle to stagger an enemy then execute because all other options were severely obsolete. I found myself waiting for each area to end as they dragged on but became better towards the end. The story as well is a basic one but serviceable. Overall an interesting experience but hard to recommend unless you appreciate Japanese/Samurai culture.

Cool areas to explore with good variety but the combat is pretty lackluster alongside the story. The story began to pickup in the final two hours of gameplay which just isn't enough. Was fun to play and visually stunning with great music but I don't see myself returning to Siradon anytime soon.

The champion mode was great fun, controls and combat was extremely responsive. KOs and replays were done really well and made you feel powerful. Overall the story of Andre Bishop was a simple one but really well done, I would have hoped for a little bit more time to develop especially regarding the second to last fight but was overall interesting. Only detractor would be the final boss, constant restarts takes away from the gravity of the fight.

An absolutely amazing introduction to the story of Spider-Man that had you spending hours just swinging. The story and characters were amazingly done with some great creative directions taken. The only detractor would be the boss fights, with often only one way to win/progress them they often felt boring and uninteresting. But between them is an amazingly made world with so many buildings to leap off.

Now this one was a long time coming, I had myself constantly returning and disappearing after playing bits and pieces of this game. What value you get on this game at full price when compared to its competitors nowadays, the story world and bosses are something to behold. And you best believe Malenia gave me a serious run for my money, my main criticism would be two things. Too many reused bosses and dungeons, I would've much rather have fewer but higher quality. And finally, the last boss was a major disappointment but I'm sure the upcoming DLC will have some major highpoints to talk about.