What could have been interesting ended up as a “game” with very little in the way of gameplay elements, even for a narrative point-and-click based adventure.
The story isn’t deep or interesting, characters are very shallow and, as many have pointed out, the game seems to have a very sexist slant against men and the concept of fatherhood.
I personally like the occasional character-driven story game with a focus on narrative storytelling over gameplay, games like Haven excel in this regard, but this one felt very sluggish and dull to say the least.
If this was created by some high schoolers to show their aptitude when it comes to coding as a group project it would have been acceptable, although the story would still have been awful, but instead it’s created by an actual development studio that decided to actually charge people for the displeasure of sitting through the “game.”
Not worth getting even on sale.

If 2023's Dig Deep feels at all like a console port of a mobile game, thats because it is. Aside from the added achievements and improved graphics it is almost an exact port of a game with the same name developed for iOS and Android devices.
The gameplay found here is simplistic and repetitive to a level you would expect from most mobile games and, while not quite an "idle" game, there isnt much in the way of gameplay diversity, making it a pretty boring game to play.
That being said it is a game that is very easy to 100%, something I am close to doing myself, having an easy 20-for-1,000 Achivement pool on Xbox consoles.
Sadly you can't just leave it running and allow your hired CPU diggers to do all the work for you as, every 24 minutes, you get a popup that asks you to choose a bonus, extra gold or extra gems, for completing an in-game day. When this happens it essentially pauses the game meaning that your workers wont do any work so you can't totally leave it idling.
If your looking for a good game, or a game with any depth whatsoever, pass on DIg Deep. However, if you are looking for a cheap, easy 1,000G, consider picking it up if it is on sale.

While the game plays fine on a technical level and uses a the Kinect perfectly, similar to Just Dance, the speed and coordination needed to pull off the moves on even a lower level is incredibly difficult. There’s no warning up period of difficulty ramping, you just get thrown in the deep end.
While a game based around Zumba was always going to be more of an intentional workout compared to Just Dance or Dance Central, there’s a level of quality control we should expect from games made specifically for the Kinect that simply isn’t present here.

Bluey: The Video Game is a passable game for kids. While I am certainly not the target audience I wasn't quite as bored as with the Peppa Pig game from a few years ago.
As a kid I would probably play this once or twice before switching back to Lego games or Minecraft due to the shockingly low amount of content for the $40 price tag. While children will likely spend more time wandering around the simplistic yet enjoyable nvironments, I can't see it entertaining most kids for more than a few hours due to there being nothing to do after you complete the main story and find all the stickers.
The minigames are pretty boring for the most part, with Chattermax Chase being actually annoying due to the poor AI of the opponents and poor collision detection when it comes to actually catching the thing.
The one upside here is how good the game is for all you achievement hunters out there since you can easily 100% of the game in under 2.5 hours, especially with a guide.

To preface this review I went into Dead Island Retro Revenge knowing that it was a minigame spin-off, not a true Dead Island experience.
Despite that, I was still disappointed with the game I paid $0.99 for.
Dead Island Retro Revenge is, for all intents and purposes, a Streets of Rage clone made by people who fail to understand what goes into a game like that.
Combat and movement feel stiff beyond belief and none of the moves are satisfying to pull off. While games in this genre are known for being fairly difficult most of the time, Retro Revenge isn't hard because of any unique game design, but rather because of how broken the game is.
Your attacks often won't hit due to the game's shoddy hit detection, and enemies will find ways to land attacks that should have missed due to the same system. These glitches, mixed with a bland achievement system and clunky controls, make Dead Island Retro Revenge an unfun slog to play through.
Avoid this game, even if you have the chance to get it for $0.99 like I did.

An Interesting Novelty

A lot of what makes this game popular is the fact that it exists to begin with. Whe we think of Rockstar Games, our minds go to massive IPs like Grand Theft Auto or Red Dead or, if you are a little older, something like Midnight Club.
While they have had some interesting side ventures over the years, Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis is definitely a weird one.
Once you get past the novelty of its existence though, the game itself is just okay at best. Its a standard table tennis game that offers nothing more than what you would expect to find in an arcade game from around this time.
While it is decently entertaining for a quick gaming session, there isn't a unique twist to it or anything to signify Rockstar's involvement in any way. No snarky sense of humor or hidden references to their other works.
The achievements arent anything special either, so it isn't anything of value for achievement hunters.
Overall, if you see it on sale for $5 or close to that price point it could be worth it, but most of what makes it memorable comes from the name.