As a long-time fan of the series, this entry felt a bit different both in terms of structure, and the combat.

Structurally, this felt almost like back-to-back dungeons. Even the map areas outside of dungeons still largely feel like dungeons. There wasn't enough incentive, in my opinion, to really venture outside of the main story and explore. There were extra things to collect, but not much in the way of story for side quests.

A common complaint is that combat is 'fiddly', and it is. I am glad that a thumbstick method of controlling the sword is available in this version, after getting used to it, it was reasonably accurate. I would have found some of the combat encounters really irritating if I was forced to fuss with motion controls.

For me, this was an "ok" Zelda game. I am glad to have the lore that this game offers, and there are a couple of interesting mechanics here, but I don't think I'll feel all that motivated to replay this, unlike other titles in the series.