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In the beginning, I wont lie it was hard to get into. But as time went on it grew on me and quickly became one of the most fun jrpg's I've played. The amount of freedom and customization the game gives you while being simple is very fun. The game lets you build characters anyway you want to regardless if they specialize in a certain area there is no wrong way to build them. There isn't a character I dislike in this game as I think they're done well. Some better than others but still great nonetheless. This game isn't difficult but not too easy to spam the auto battles as enemies still did a decent amount of damage to me. There's always something to do in this game to make sure your having fun. Even adding endgame content for the players that want a severe challenge While I didn't go out of my way to get the side characters, I still think its amazing they added characters that get added to your party and add dialogue options depending on where your at, especially for its time. I can see why this game is heavily loved as it still holds up to this day. The music has memorable themes and one of my favorite battle themes in any video game.

The story in my personal experience was just good, but that twist genuinely a shock. While I was confused at some points this games story but overall still really enjoyed it and how the characters never felt boring. This game just is well written all around.

My only issues with this game was the final boss being too easy, I was heavily over leveled but I still expected some sort of challenge. The slow combat because they're tied to animations (Shoutout Sephiroths Super Nova.) and this one is just a small issue but I noticed random encounters were just horrendous sometimes.

Despite these small gripes, this game is a must play and would hard recommend it to anyone that hasn't played it.