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I decided to check this game out several months ago on a day when I was really sick and... um... yeah, this is certainly one of the games I've ever played. It definitely gets the award for shortest game I own, as I think I 100% it in an hour. It is dirt cheap and a fairly okay experience, but would I ever recommend it? Ehhhh...

Super Kiwi 64 is a game inspired by Banjo Kazooie in both its graphics and gameplay. It's a 3D collectathon platformer where you play as a Kiwi with a backpack that can sprout wings for gliding and a propeller to run faster. You can also do a quick dash forward to attack things or grab onto walls. It's all pretty good. I enjoyed the movement mechanics quite a bit.

Though levels are very short, they are designed okay enough with nice variation and a good amount of collectibles in each. There's some really weird sections that had me downright confused though. Overall, the levels are fine but not really worth writing home about.

This is where this game gets interesting. As said before, this game's graphics borrow a lot from Banjo Kazooie. However, the visuals and atmosphere moreso seek to capture the off-putting vibes N64 era games could have. Do I think it succeeds? No. It tries way too hard. There's skeletons in corners. Weird glyphs on the walls. Strange... fetus orb things. Weird towering enemies with black armor. It's all so strange, and there's a huge dissonance between that and the way the game is marketed. It doesn't feel like the game was trying to do some sort of bait-and-switch "kids game but it's actually scary oOoOoOoOoOo" type of thing either. It just lacks subtlety. It almost gave me bad 2010 creepypasta vibes with how weirdly integrated it was. Maybe I'm missing something, I dunno. The only impression the presentation made on me was how much I really did not like it. In short, interesting idea, odd execution.

Super Kiwi 64 is kind of just a whatever game. Fun controls but meh everything else. It's okay for the price, I guess. I don't think I'd ever strongly recommend it though.