10 reviews liked by Orange_Pikmin21

The best bundle in gaming history! The conclusion to Half-Life 2, the intricate puzzles of Portal, and the wacky multiplayer fun of TF2. What else do you need? 10/10

This is lightning in a bottle, the best moments in all of gaming stuffed into a perfect package.

Who let the dogs out? woof woof woof woof, Who let the dogs out? woof woof woof woof, Who let the dogs out?

It would be a 5/5 but the characters don't shut up

mfw it's literally the first good sonic game in a decade

Sonic Frontiers is an amazing comeback for the series after 10 years of overall shitty games.
Sonic feels amazing to control in this game, he finally loses his tank controls from gens and is much more free while boosting. The combat is basic but fun to combo enemies with.
The story is made more for setting up the future of sonic from here on out, so I don't blame them for making it basic.
The Boss fights are peak, they are all on the quality of final bosses from other Sonic games.
The Music is amazing too. -Logan

The Banbanification of Fnaf is here to stay, it's over, fredwari da, I say we all move on to the awesome Hello Neighbor fandom now, I believe Matpat is going to enjoy this.

(disclaimer: this review was sponsored by tinyBuild)

call me a loser but DAMN this was actually fun

its not perfect, of course. i encountered a few bugs that kinda hurt my experience. its not terribly scary, but it still has its moments. an overall very good experience. im legitimately excited for Chapter 3

maybe my children's children will bear witness to the next update