online is fun, some of the modders and griefers kinda take the fun out of it and the money grind is intense

I like to tell people its like DND in the sense the game just hands you the tools to create your own content and it needs to be run by a game master (this game calls them the Zeus) with the right group this game is an absolute blast. even on high end hardware though it can chug, though that's partly because a lot of groups don't know how to curate mod lists properly. Its a bit too much of a time commitment for me right now but I hope someday I can get back into it. I wouldnt judge this games after joining one single group. try a couple because some will take the game too sersiouly (i found one gorup that require real US Army LOA forms if you were going to miss a mission) some groups are full of homophobes, racists, etc and since the game has a plethora of ww2 mods there are ofc neo nazi groups that use Roleplay as an excuse to spout slurs.

TDLR: great game but its a time commitment and may take a while to find a group good for you

it used to be alot of fun but now every no matter which gamemode is extra sweaty or theres a cheater