i stopped playing this the week my girlfriend visited irl for the first time

was once an amazing game with a (questionably) amazing community. now is just a shell of its former self.

giving this game a 4 feels wrong because it isn’t great by any means but fuck it’s literally the perfect game in this genre of “games people play to zone out and ignore their autism to”

game was so much fun for that like two weeks it was popular but the devs didn’t really do anything with that popularity to increase the longevity of the playerbase

at least that’s how i remember it. maybe they did add some cool shit but it wasn’t talked about enough for me to hear about it, or if i did hear about it it wasn’t dope enough for me to return

everything is so painfully forgettable here other than Job Job and Job Job is genuinely the best Jackbox game ever so 3/5 i guess. i would say it’s worth buying just for Job Job alone lol

update: i changed it to 2.5 cus i genuinely remember nothing other than job job from here

i really dislike using the nipple for first person games

the worst version of minecraft i wouldn’t question my life playing

not bad in the slightest though. it’s minecraft.

i hate everything about this fuck you nintendo for making fun games

i hate this stupid bunny with a passion can they fucking hang him already

for the time this was like the coolest thing ever therefore it is still the coolest thing ever

takes “it’s so bad it’s good” to another level. this game is so bad that it’s a fucking masterpiece

yeahhhh i mean sure in a bubble this game is fantastic but when compared to its future iterations that add so many different QoL features it feels impossible to return to this version and actually enjoy it.

great for its time but damn it did not age well.

everything great about modern Tetris with some smooth ass animation to accompany it.

really just overall a great version of Tetris.

realistic detail? true-to-life golf? no no no, you’re not tricking me Konami